NordLocker Review – A Reliable, Comprehensive & Easy-To-Use File Encryption Solution! - TechNadu

NordLocker Review – A Reliable, Comprehensive & Easy-To-Use File Encryption Solution! - TechNadu

NordLocker Review – A Reliable, Comprehensive & Easy-To-Use File Encryption Solution! - TechNadu

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

NordLocker Logo

During the last year, we've been hearing plenty about exposed private data and hackers stealing sensitive files. It's also a known fact that major IT companies track their users, which means that the privacy of your files (at least those stored on your computer or cloud storage) should be a major concern. What you can already do is be proactive about this – and this is where encryption solutions come into play. As you're about to see, we will be checking such a solution in this article, which has been initially announced close to six months ago. So, welcome to our NordLocker review.

In case the name of this encryption software sounds familiar, you're not wrong. NordLocker comes from the same guys who created NordVPN, one of the most popular VPN services right now. They've been expanding their portfolio recently, by introducing NordPass as well – which is a password manager. As you can see, we now have three separate services from this company, all of which are aimed at improving your online security and privacy.

First, we will provide some basic information about NordLocker, found in the table below. So, let's introduce you to this file encryption service by listing some of its main features, supported platforms, and its current pricing structure.

Product Name NordLocker
Supported Platforms Windows, macOS.
Unique Features One-click encryption; Confidential cross-platform sharing; Powerful cryptosystem; Zero-knowledge architecture; Work with any file type.
Price Free | Starts at $2.99/month (3-year plan).
Visit NordLocker

As you can expect, we've spent some hands-on time with this software, and we did our best to be thorough. So, in case you don't have the time to read this entire NordLocker review, we've prepared the most prominent highlights, found below.

The Bottom Line
Pros User-centric encryption tool; Capable and strong encryption; Good privacy-related measures; Works without any issues.
Cons Minor UI glitches; Somewhat limited platform support; Affordable only if you pick a long-term plan.
The Final Verdict Despite its minor limitations, NordLocker can be very useful in preserving the privacy of your sensitive information.
Our Score 8.8/10

So, we're now ready to dive deep into everything NordLocker offers. In case you'd like to learn all its ins and outs, make sure to keep on reading.

NordLocker – TechNadu's Hands-On Review

NordLocker is a brand-new file encryption service, and we're happy to have been reviewing it so soon after its launch. With this said, please note that we've been reviewing version of NordLocker on a Windows 10 PC. However, everything said about this article applies to its macOS counterpart as well.

Platform Compatibility

NordLocker for Windows

You can use NordLocker on Windows and macOS computers, and the application comes cross-compatible. There are no Android or iOS apps at the moment, but we believe this could change soon enough. Our Score: 7.5/10.

At the moment, you will find NordLocker applications for Windows and macOS. And also, both of these are easily accessible from this application's website. This means that at the moment, users of desktop platforms are the only ones who can take advantage of NordLocker. This isn't a major downside, as there's plenty of use for this application on desktop platforms.

The good news here is that NordLocker is cross-platform compatible. This means that encrypted files can be sent between Windows and macOS users. However, the bad news is that Android and iOS users are left out at the moment. We are sure that NordLocker is looking for a way to reach these platforms as well, and we can only hope this to happen soon enough.

In case you're worried about whether your computer will run this application, let's clear up your doubts. NordLocker might sound like a technically complex application, but it's actually a simple one. You don't need a powerful computer, and even some pretty old models should work just fine.

Installation Process

Installation of NordLocker

NordLocker has done a marvelous job of offering a simple installation process. Download and install the app on your computer, and then log-in and create your master password. That's about it. Our Score: 10/10.

You will be happy to know that NordLocker comes with a really easy installation. No matter if you decide to try it for free, or if you'd like to get a NordLocker subscription straight away, you start by downloading the application from its website.

We've tested this application on a Windows 10 PC, where we ended up with a 10MB installation file. So, it's pretty lightweight and should download fast even on slow Web connections. Also, as the installation wizard will tell you, there's an important requirement here. You need to have the '.Net Framework 4.8' on your computer, which can be easily downloaded during the installation process. Choose where to save the files and complete the installation – it will all take less than one minute of your time.

NordLocker Log In Screen

Before you jump into NordLocker's interface, you'll need to log-in to your account. In addition, you'll need to provide your master password, used to authenticate your access each time you want to open your encrypted files.

Important Note: NordLocker will provide a recovery key, which is best kept offline. This key is only available to you, and you can use it to recover your master password. In case you lose both your recovery key and your master password, it will be impossible to decrypt your data. So, make sure to pay attention to where your recovery key is stored.

User Interface

Master Password Screen NordLocker

If you need a very simple encryption solution, NordLocker can be the right pick. It comes with a simple UI that's suitable even for complete beginners. Aside from occasional (minor) glitches, everything seems to be working just fine. Our Score: 9/10.

As you can see from the screenshots found in this article, NordLocker comes with a simple interface. At the very top, you will see a navigation bar, along with a button used to add individual files and folders. Then, on the far-right side, you can check the application's settings and log out. There isn't much to play around here, as there are only two settings to tweak. You can decide to launch the application on system startup, and you can opt-in/out of anonymous data collection.

Then, the central portion of the screen shows your files and folders. Everything you add to your locker is visible here – and you're the only one who can open those files. If you double-click on any of those, the files will open, like they normally would. However, they're being encrypted and decrypted in the background, which happens automatically. As you can see, very little input is needed. All you have to do is to add and remove files and folders from your locker.

NordLocker Settings

On the right-hand side, you will see four additional options (and these can be triggered by clicking on individual files). You get to prepare the file for sharing, export a decrypted copy, as well as rename or delete the file. We'll talk about sharing in the following segment, so make sure to stick with us.

All in all, NordLocker seems like a very simple application – suitable even for complete beginners. However, we wished to see additional options to fine-tune its interface and behavior. And also, there seems to be a strange glitch (or stuttering) when resizing the window of NordLocker. Of course, this is nothing major, but it does point out that the application could be optimized even more.

Ease of Use

NordLocker Processing Files

NordLocker isn't made for IT experts – it's made for average PC/Mac users. Therefore, it's intuitive enough and comes without any distractions or complications. Our Score: 10/10.

Each time you open NordLocker, you'll be asked for your master password. Once you provide it, you'll get to see the application's UI, along with all your encrypted files. To add files, you simply drag-and-drop them onto this interface. Alternatively, you can use the 'Add' button to add folders of individual files. Upon doing so, NordLocker will copy the files to its locker (which is located on your computer) and encrypt them. If you locate and open this folder (without opening NordLocker first), the main application will initialize asking for your master password.

File Sharing NordLocker

While working in NordLocker, you are free to open and delete files, rename them, and share them. Encrypted files can be shared via email, shared Dropbox folder, or even on a USB stick. However, for someone else to open them, they need a valid NordLocker key (which means that they need to be a user of this service, either free or premium one). You can easily share files by entering the recipient's email address, and NordLocker will finish the procedure on its own.

Privacy & Security

NordLocker List of Features

Tefincom, the company behind NordLocker, has had some problematic situations in the past (related to NordVPN mostly). However, we're more than sure that NordLocker comes without any vulnerabilities, as it seems that its privacy-related aspect has been well-thought-out. Our Score: 9/10.

Since we're dealing with an application designed to work with your sensitive data, it's important to know how your data is handled. In other words, we'll check three equally important aspects to NordLocker's privacy, so here's what you need to know.

Jurisdiction & Applicable Laws

As already explained in our NordVPN review, the company behind Nord-branded products comes from the Republic of Panama. This is good news as Panama is outside the 14-Eyes Alliance, which means that intelligence agencies will need to jump through several hoops to get to your data. Also, it's worth mentioning that this group of countries has been lobbying for the creation of encryption backdoors. This is why it's good to know that NordLocker is outside of those jurisdictions.

It is also worth noting that NordVPN is a recipient of numerous awards and that it was put through independent audits. However, let's also not forget to mention that it was found to contain serious bugs and it was even hacked not too long ago. Of course, everything said in this paragraph doesn't apply to NordLocker – it applies to NordVPN. However, it shows that you shouldn't be too comfortable with cyber-sec solutions and that you should take extra steps to make sure that your data is safe.

Privacy Policy

When it comes to NordLocker's privacy policy, the company behind this product has done a good job of making sure that you're left alone. The application uses client-side encryption, which means that NordLocker's developers have no access to your data. Still, some data is collected, nonetheless.

NordLocker's privacy policy says that three types of data can be collected. We're talking about application diagnostics, anonymized app usage statistics, and device information. Luckily, this is fairly standard practice for any type of software, and this doesn't raise any red flags. In addition, you can opt-out of this data logging, at least via its Windows client.

Encryption & Technical Security

First of all, you should know that NordLocker uses client-side encryption. If you share your files with someone, then we're talking about end-to-end encryption. This means that files are being encrypted on your computer, and this process doesn't have anything to do with any servers. If you send an encrypted file to someone, the recipient needs to have NordLocker installed to decrypt them. This is a good thing because it eliminates any role of this application's developers.

In terms of its technical security, NordLocker uses AES-256-GCM to encrypt your data, using the encrypted keys hashed via Argon2. Also, locker keys never leave your device and they are never stored on any servers. This means that you're free to store your encrypted files elsewhere, even on cloud storage solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. That's because all your files are being encrypted using your secret key, derived from your master password.

Customer Support

Customer Support Portal NordLocker Website

Unfortunately, NordLocker comes without a live-chat option on its website (which could soon change). However, there are plenty of other helpful resources. Our Score: 8/10.

Other Nord-branded products are known for their customer support. However, when it comes to NordLocker, the situation is somewhat different. That's because live-chat isn't available for this product, even though we're sure that this option will arrive soon enough.

This means that you can rely on two types of customer support resources. You can open a customer support ticket and explain your problem. It shouldn't take too long to receive a response, as this team is known for being prompt. Then, you can check various types of guides and frequently asked questions. There are related to the general use of NordLocker, billing, and troubleshooting. These resources should be sufficient to answer your questions.


Link to NordLocker Pricing

Link to NordLocker Pricing

NordLocker isn't the most affordable option around. However, you'll find some very attractive savings if you pick one of its long-term plans. Our Score: 8/10.

NordLocker comes with a subscription model, ranging from 1 month up to 3 years. So, let's take a look at how much you'll need to pay for this encryption tool, as well as how much you can potentially save.

Total Price Per Month Savings
1 Month $8.00 $8.00 0%
1 Year $59.88 $4.99 37%
2 Years $95.76 $3.99 50%
3 Years $107.64 $2.99 62%

As you can see, the monthly price of NordLocker is $8.00 – which doesn't seem like the most affordable solution. However, the chances are that you don't need to encrypt your files for only a month – and you're probably looking for a long-term solution. With this said, we think you should subscribe to NordLocker by going for its long-term plans. You save up to 62% on the service's 3-year plan, whose price comes down to $2.99 per month.

Among other important information, you should know that you'll get a 30-days money-back guarantee. Also, you can pay via debit and credit cards, cryptocurrencies, and Amazon Pay.

Do We Recommend NordLocker?

Link to NordLocker Website

Link to NordLocker Website

In some ways, NordLocker shows its young age. As you start to use it, you'll see that there's plenty of room for additional features that will most definitely come in the future. However, despite its young age, we think that it's usable and capable enough to safeguard your private data.

  • PROS: Easy to install; Very easy to use; Nice-looking UI; Capable encryption; Client-side file encryption.
  • CONS: Available on Windows and macOS only; Occasional UI glitches; Not the most affordable option.
  • OUR SCORE: 8.8 out of 10!

In case you'd like to learn more about NordLocker, make sure to use the provided link. It will take you to its official website, where you can see if this encryption tool aligns with your needs. We believe that many of you will be perfectly happy using NordLocker, but the final choice is yours to make.

In case you've made it this far, why not share this article online? And also, you can follow TechNadu via our Facebook and Twitter pages. Thank you!

5 best online photo backups | Never lose a photo again - Upto 5GB free -

Posted: 06 Aug 2019 12:00 AM PDT

The prospect of losing your priceless photographs is an upsetting thing to even imagine, whether you are a casual, amateur photographer, or a professional photographer shooting award-winning images. The reality is that losing your photos is a very real possibility if you do not take the proper precautions and back up your pictures.

What are the best online backup services for photographers? 

  1. Backblaze - Photographers won't want to turn their back on this top-class service
  2. SpiderOak - Secure cloud storage primed for shutterbugs
  3. Jottacloud - Offers a lot of storage for all your photos
  4. pCloud - a great choice to lock down your images
  5. Amazon Prime Photos - An almost unrivalled price-to-performance cloud service

Ideally, you should have several backups of your photos; on your computer, on an external hard drive, and in the cloud. You really never know when your hard drive may suddenly fail, your computer or device gets lost, or you become the victim of ransomware or another form of cyberattack. Data restoration services can be a lifesaver, but at the same time can get extremely expensive, especially if you have large quantities of photos you need to restore. The worst part is that there is never any guarantee that your restoration efforts will work at all. That is why it is absolutely imperative that you have properly backed up your photos and videos in multiple locations.

Pic backup on computer

Let's face it, even if you do have your photos backed up on an external drive, that hard drive can still get lost, stolen, or damaged. Though it's important to have that extra physical backup, having a backup of your images stored in the cloud will insulate you from such risks and ensure that you always have access to your photos from anywhere in the world. In this article, we will take a look at the 5 best cloud backup services for photographers. We consider not only the typical useful features that each of these cloud backup services provides, but also the vital security features each employs to protect the privacy and security of the photos you upload. We also consider affordability as well as the storage space offered, which is of course especially important to photographers.

So then, let's take a look at our picks for the 5 best cloud backup services for photographers on the market today.

5 Best Cloud Backup Services for photo and video: In-depth analysis

Below, you will find our in-depth list detailing the five best cloud backups for photo and video files. Take a look and find out which one best fits your particular storage and security needs!

1. Backblaze

Backblaze is a fully-featured secure cloud backup service with perfect privacy for photographers

  • Pricing

    From $6.00 / month

Backblaze homepage

Backblaze is a top-class, fully-featured, and secure cloud backup service that provides exceptional privacy features and outstanding functionality for photographers. Backblaze secures your image like no other, securing files with SSL encryption during transit, using AES encryption at rest on company servers and using code that is native to Mac and PC and doesn't use Java. Backblaze even provides you with a private key when you first sign up, making it impossible for anyone other than you, even Backblaze, to have any access to the photos you upload using the service. You can also set a passphrase to protect and encrypt the private key to add an extra layer of security.

Other security features offered by Backblaze include two-factor authentication, a "Locate My Computer" feature that pinpoints the location of your device with encrypted access point data, the ability to share photos with others directly, schedule backups for convenience and receive notifications of the status of your backups. You can even request Backblaze to send a physical pen drive or external hard drive containing all your backed-up data (within a certain storage limit) and refund the cost of the drive should you send it back within 30 days.

Backblaze is also incredibly affordable and offers unlimited photo storage, unlimited speeds, and unlimited file size uploads for $6 per month, $60 per year, or $110 every two years. That is certainly an amazing deal considering you can back up an unlimited amount of photos. You can even take advantage of the 15-day free trial to see if the service is right for you. We can confidently attest that Backblaze is a cloud backup service that is indeed an excellent option for photographers with its affordable subscription plans, unlimited storage space, awesome features, and airtight security. 

2. SpiderOak

SpiderOak is known for its privacy-focused cloud backup service - endorsed by Edward Snowden!

  • Pricing

    From $5.75 / month

SpiderOak Homepage

SpiderOak One is a secure cloud backup service based in the United States that is an excellent choice for photographers looking to back up their precious images securely and privately. Indeed, you can bank on the security the service offers, as it has been touted by Edward Snowden as a capable and secure zero-knowledge alternative to Dropbox.

End-to-end encryption means that your photos are fully protected with SpiderOak One, from the moment they leave your computer to when you request them from the cloud. Zero-knowledge means that the company isn't keeping logs on you, keeping your data out of the hands of third-parties. Another great security feature is the "Point-in-Time" recovery feature that allows you to recover past versions of your backups in the event of a potential ransomware attack. Additionally, you can password-protect individual folders or files when sharing your images with others or set shared links to self-destruct after a certain point in time. 

The service offers four different payment plans, giving you the flexibility to choose the backup storage space that best suits your specific needs. You'll get 150GB for $69.00 per year, 400GB for $115.00 per year, 2TB for $149.00 per year, and 5TB for $320.00 per year. 150GB holds close to 100,000 photos, perfect for casual photographers, however professionals might want to opt for the 5TB plan – which still offers amazing value for money. All in all, SpiderOak One is certainly an outstanding backup solution for photographers who are looking for something affordable and secure. The best part is that you can try it completely free for 21 days.

3. Jottacloud

Whether you opt for 5GB for free or 10TB, Jottacloud is a lot of storage for all your needs.

  • Pricing

    From $0.00 / month

Jottcloud Homepage

Jottacloud is a Norwegian online backup service that offers outstanding functionality and data security for photographers. The Norwegian jurisdiction is great for privacy, as the country is known for some of the most privacy-friendly laws in the world. What else is great about Jottacloud is that the service doesn't skimp on security and privacy, and offers incredibly affordable subscription packages. 

The 5GB free plan offers just enough storage to trial the service, but if you're serious about backing up your photos, you will want to opt for the "Personal" subscription for just €7.50 per month. This entitles you to unlimited storage space, with the only caveat being a reduction to upload speeds past 5TB - if you manage to fill it that is. Alternatively, shared family plans cater to a maximum of five individuals and cost €6.50 per month for 1TB, €13.50 per month for 5TB, or €49.50 per month for 10TB. 

From sharing to organizing and viewing your photos, Jottacloud has a wide range of features. All images are encrypted both in transit and at-rest with 256-bit AES, stored at full resolution. RAW compatibility is sure to please professionals, while smartphone enthusiasts can enjoy automatic backup. Two-factor authentication helps to lock down your account and you can view the login history at any point. 

Those working in groups will also relish the ability to recover files for up to thirty days thanks to Jottacloud's recycle bin and admins can revoke access to devices at any time. All of this, along with the company's staunch commitment to user privacy, make Jottacloud an excellent choice for anyone searching for a great backup service for photographers.

4. pCloud

Photographers can enjoy more relaxed privacy laws with pCloud's Swiss base of operations!

  • Pricing

    From $0.00 / month

pCloud Homepage

Amassing over 8 million users and counting, pCloud's home in Switzerland is considered favorable for data privacy – perfect for photographers that want to lock their account down. Tight end-to-end encryption keeps the service secure, with TLS/SSL encryption handling transmission and 256-bit AES encryption at-rest on the server. If you're willing to pay an extra fee, proprietary "pCloud Crypto" technology gives you zero-knowledge client-side encryption, offering you a private encryption key that isn't stored on pCloud servers. The private key is secured via 4096-bit RSA encryption and 265-bit AES encryption for the files stored in the cloud.

The annual plan costs €47.88 per year for 500GB of storage space or €95.88 per year for 2TB of storage space. If you opt for the lifetime plan, you're looking at a one-time payment of €175 for 500GB and €350 for 2TB. To add the additional data protection with pCloud Crypto, it will run you €4.99 per month, €47.88 per year, or €125 for lifetime protection.

In addition to superb security and privacy capabilities, pCloud offers photographers several other useful features including automatic backups from your camera roll and across multiple devices, easy sharing options, file versioning and "rewind" functionality that allows you to access and recover past versions of your account up to 30 days, along with the ability to back up from Facebook, Instagram, and other cloud storage services. On top of all that, there is a pCloud plugin available that allows you to upload photos directly from Lightroom.

pCloud is a great choice for photographers who need that extra bit of security to protect their images. The basic security offered by the service is indeed more than enough to keep any photographer's data safe and secure, but having the option to add an extra layer of privacy can be huge for the more privacy-conscious photographers out there. 

5. Amazon Prime Photos

Amazon offers amazing cross-platform support to access its secure servers!

  • Pricing

    From $0.00 / month

Amazon Prime Photos Page

The biggest draw of Amazon Prime Photos is its incredibly generous offering of unlimited photos storage at no extra cost to Amazon Prime members. Users without a Prime subscription can get 100GB of storage space for $11.99 per year, or 1TB of storage for $59.99 per year. Any way you slice it, Amazon makes it exceedingly affordable to back up your photos to the cloud. 

The desktop and mobile apps, as well as the web portal, are intuitive and easy to use. The one concern we have, however, is that the encryption standards for how the photos are secured is not made clear, and chat representatives were not able to provide a definitive explanation. Amazon would do better to communicate helpful specifics regarding exactly how users' photos are secured rather than rely on vague statements like "Secure backup of full-resolution photos", "Backed by 24/7 customer support and top-notch Amazon security", or "Safe and private with Amazon security" to assure users that the photos they back up using the service are properly protected. One chat representative did mention, though, that the same data center network used for Amazon S3 and its own internal data storage is the same secure data center used for Amazon Prime Photo storage, which is encouraging due to the security standards employed at the data center. Additionally, the Amazon Privacy Notice does indicate that data in transmission is indeed encrypted using SSL technology.

Other privacy features include two-factor authentication, two-step verification, as well as the ability to hide certain photos and block certain contacts. Though just a bit opaque on the privacy-front, Amazon Prime Photos offers a host of excellent features that photographers will love. First off, multiple file formats, including RAW, are supported, which is certainly important for advanced photographers. On top of that, the service allows users to easily share and organize photos, and also to print photos directly from the user interface. What's more, as a Prime member, you can invite up to five additional people to your "Family Vault", giving five individuals of your choosing unlimited photo storage as well.

All things considered, Amazon Prime Photos still makes for an excellent cloud backup service for photographers, with an intuitive cross-platform interface available on desktop and mobile, unlimited storage, great features and perks, all in an extremely affordable package.

Final Thoughts

There is no reason for you to risk losing your photographs. The memories you capture through the lens of your camera are indispensable and priceless. At a time when most people do not print out the vast majority of their images, backing up those memories is no longer an option, but a necessity. Luckily, there are some amazing and affordable online cloud backup services that can help you preserve your photos and ensure they never get lost. Each provider listed in this article is more than capable of getting the job done for you in an affordable, user-friendly, and secure manner. Do not delay even for another minute, back up your precious memories today using one of the outstanding providers listed above!


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